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Prof., PhD (Biology)
Vladimir D. Naumov
The Faculty of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science was established in 1929 and in 1990 it was renamed into the Faculty of Soil Science, Agricultural Chemistry and Ecology.
Training at the Faculty is provided by 7 Departments:
Practical training is provided by several research laboratories, including the laboratory of agricultural chemistry, laboratory of agricultural soil science, laboratory of agro-ecology, center of soil-ecological research, laboratory for the complex analysis of organic compounds, laboratory of nuclear technology in agriculture, laboratory of forestry, and laboratory of microelements and regulation of mineral nutrition with the use of polymers.
Training is provided by highly-skilled faculty members, including 2 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 36 professors, 72 associate professors and senior lecturers, 24 assistant professors and 38 research workers.
The main research areas of the Faculty: